Thursday, June 11

Ayat-ayat Kejam

Property management is really tough field.

You not handle with report, but you must handle with people. The site I've been placed is the most problematic site in this company. I keep asking myself why i've been placed here.
I've been pushed dari semua arah.

This site, what I can say is, HARSH. The council members is too much. Everyday I get scolded. My boss? Setiap hari bising. Datang2 site je dah bising.

Why I said harsh? The words are too much when i get scolded. I cannot retain it.
One day I followed the owner's complaint (ex-chairman) to know where the complaints about (about mosquito breed), then the current chairman saw the moment. You know what he said?

"Yaya if I see you follow that MONKEY again, you will be punished".
"What the hell is this?"
"When contractor came, you must prepared the drawing"
"Use your common sense"
"Are you lazy?"
"I'm cannot forgive the LIAR"

Too much words that makes me hurt. Working environment memang tak best.

p/s: Hope to change the site. Puasa dah nak dekat.


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