Sunday, May 10

When Job only for Money

It's been a while tak update blog ni.

Ya. Working life dah tarik semua keindahan hidup aku. Working late, bangun awal. Jalan lagi. It took me at least one hour to go to work. But working late, there are no overtime paid here. Is that worthy? To place me in the most horrible site and council members here, is that worthy? Everyday just like been scolded, and pushed me to strict and scolded the people below you, is that worthy? I'm feel underpaid. I like property management, but for me to start at the most horrible and difficult site, i'm confused. There are other sites this company managed even freshie can start off, but why me? I'm heard so many gossips and scandals around the site and at headquarter, is that worthy?

When others or mum ask "Macam mana kerja?" I just answered "Okay." But inside my heart, no. The most horrible is the council members always been around the office an hour before going back, so why i cannot going back on time? Delayed my time include Saturday half-day. I'm also want my life after works even I'm not married yet. Get a life!

And the most most most horrible thing is the top 'behave' council member asks in the office it should also put the CCTV. What the hell? What the hell is going on? Feeling like been watching all the time. My work environment privacy has been broken. Where is the work space? Everyday i'm scared to go work, is that okay? Even to pray Zuhur I don't have time! I'm the religious person you know.

If they say property management deal more to client services and dealing with people, i'm rather be with valuation/research that deal with report, or bank. At least i can just focus to report deadline not people. If i already have car, dah lama aku masuk valuation okay. Tiba2 teringat seorang ejen prudential time trainee dulu, "You must value yourself higher than other, you deserved more than that".

p/s: send resume dekat company lain. Backup plan B mission.


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