Friday, April 5

Jadi Diri Sendiri - Kenapa Tidak Perlu Mengikut Trend?

Gila malas nak translate Bahasa Melayu. Takut nanti hilang originaliti. Sekarang ni banyak baju yang cantik2, tudung yang comel2. Tapi fokusnya pada baju. Oleh kerana aku ni jenis yang bukan mengikut trend, dan lebih meminati kepada benda2 yang bersifat vintage dan evergreen (cehhh). Asalkan apa dipakai itu selesa, sudah jadi diri sendiri. =)

(Extracted from Amanda Porter's article on Yahoo Voice)

Be Yourself - Reasons Not to Follow Fashion Trends

1. Make an investment in high quality clothes that are classic and can be worn again     next year.

2. Focus on timeless pieces that are well-tailored and high quality for the core of your wardrobe.

3. Following fashion trends will make you look like everyone else in the world.

4. Shop for outfits that you have not seen on every manikin in the mall.

5. Trends are not for everyone’s body type. Focus on what shapes and colors look good  on you as an individual, not what looks good on the rest of the world.

6. I would rather be the one who wears unique outfits that everyone wants to   borrow, instead of the girl that is told, “I have the same top in black.”

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