Thursday, October 25

Light Painting

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha :). Banyak benda yang berlaku hari ni. Tapi tiga hari lepas yang paling seronok ialah kelas fotografi : LIGHT PAINTING. Seronok gila. Rupanya senang je nak set up kamera dpt jadi camnie asalkan pandai main masa and ada sources of light.

bentuk bunga dan rumah pun ada XD
Tapi ada new task: buat light painting yang ada makna tersendiri. dateline rabu depan. T.T
Sudahlah petang tadi sampai2 sini nak cuti raya terus jumpa kakak for research document. Then ter-inteview la officer yg memang tahu bab2 untuk research aku, sudahlah aku x prepare ape2 langsung. Akak aku pun ni satulah. Dan2 trus aku aku tanya itu ini dan his opinion too. Dan soalan yang aku nak sangat tahu jawapan,

"Purchaser kan tahu weakness conventional banking, dan kebaikan Islamic banking tu sendiri, tapi kenapa still ada orang yang nak buat loan through conventional banking?''



Sunday, October 21


Impian nak pergi Legoland akhirnya tercapai juga. But but but...

"I don't want go to Legoland for assingment!" - screammmm

Semua orang cakap best. But helooo siapa nak pergi Legoland untuk buat kerja valuation dan bukan main2? This is tough.

Assigment Question : Value the theme park that had chosen for your group. - Group 4 : Legoland

First dapat esaimen nie memang dilema. Mampu ke group kitaorang buat? Legoland baru sebulan buka compared to other theme parks that had been established. How to get the profit? Nak tukar subject property lain x? haaa =="

But after ask the senior, she says, "Accept it as challenge."

Then call the Legoland hotline. Macam biasa, main pass2 from the hotline to the Human Resources to the Research and Marketing and bla bla. Dapat approached someone, suaranya macam kacak, then sent the surat permission nanti dia pass kat orang atas. Tapi xtaw la nape gmail xbley nak sent last2 guna yahoo. And setelah hampir seminggu inilah hasilnya :-

Dear Ms

Dear Yaya

Thank you for your interest in learning more about LEGOLAND Malaysia.

I have read through your questionnaire but after deliberating with my superiors, we are unable to assist you as the information required is strictly confidential. However, you may access our website for layout plan details

Thank you once again for your interest and I wish you and your team every success in your studies.

Best Wishes

.____________.  whyyy whyyy ohh whyyy

Sedih tau. Penat2 buat research sana-sini tiap2 hari me-google but, 'we must proceed what we have done.' 

Makin tough la nak dapat information. Bab kata Jue, "wat peta on the spot pun boleh. Jadi planner jap kat Legoland. Dah alang2 masuk sambil lukis, tulis, tanya, main2 jugak." Epic Jue, epic. Suka ayat kau. First time pergi Johor, first time la pegi Legoland

Ya Allah, harap urusan kami dipermudahkan di sana. 


Assignment Law : Based on the law cases given, you should be like in the real court situation. There are judge (i think it's lecturer himself), the respondent and the appellant.

Real Court Situation - Moot Trial

OMG. Jerit lagi. Bukan black&white only cam sem lepas. Yang nie moot trial+report+site visit+etc.   
And esaimen nie akan jadi macam ni :-

Image sources :
Tulisan : sendiri punyer edit.

Aku akan jadi valuer/estate agent je kot, asal kene jadi macam lawyer or witness juga? T_T. Debate? i am fail lorhhh. Tapi nampak menarik kalau berada dalam real court situation. Well, separuh dari pengalaman pelajaran.

