Sunday, January 10

2016 Resolution

My 2016 Resolution is to implement this quotes:

Three (3) things to keep private:

1. Love life
2. Income
3. Next Move

As I'm active user of instagram and twitter, hope this three things reminding me to keep private. Kalau instagram biarlah share skill2 photography - just upload gambar building, nature, family, food, budak, dan muka aku je. Just to be humble with your life at the same time improving the photography skill. For twitter just restrict the request follower dari kawan2 yg kenal sahaja. Ye la twitter setiap hari aku bukak asyik melepaskan perasaan  kat situ especially pasal kerja. Harap2 lepas ni lebih pandai control emosi.

And the other 2016 resolution is:

1. Improving working skill and communication.
2. Be happy with your job (i dislike my job now)
3. Read Quran 2 pages everyday
4. Love myself more and don't compare rezeki with others. Life is not competition.
5. Find cash and berjimat
6. Improve driving skill
7. Vacation outside Malaysia (which still pending from 2015. Takde rezeki dan takde plan)
8. Don't be a woman that needs a man. Be a woman that man needs
9. Attachment with family - mom, siblings and niece and nephew.
