Monday, December 14



I miss the moment where we share laugh and sad together with friends, especially the university-mates that we had been going through of 4 years. After entering the job field, only the friends that have same job field understands what stress and we had been going through in every day of working life. Tiara had asked me to sleepover at her place with Fana. I miss all of them. After the half day working on Saturday on new site (which extend until 3.30 pm =.=), terus shoot pergi rumah sewa diorang. Bangsar south, which very nice place with a lot of construction. But, what joy had give to you when your friends cook for you sempena datang rumah diaorang?

Pagi2 lagi Tiara dah masak cekodok goreng untuk kami semua. Sedap!

Morning view with this scene at balcony. What a bless.

Puding roti air tangan Fana yang memang dah lama dia nak buatkan untuk aku. Kalau tak nanti aku bising je nak merasa puding roti dia.

Lunch Fana masak (makan time dinner lepas aku pergi Mid dengan Tiara). Memang sedaplah ayam dan sambal kentang tuh.

Kecantikan pemandangan Bangsar South depan rumah sewa mereka. Nice gler.

Lepas ni akan buat lagi sesi catch-up dengan kawan2. 

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