Tuesday, May 29

Girlfriend forever!

Baru je semalam date dengan dia tapi sekarang dah rindu balik.
 :(( Mari saya perkenalkan my bestie and my girlfriend forever sejak zaman sekolah, Nazihah Shukor. Dia seorang gadis yang comel, cantik, pandai, baik, ayu, bermata galak, putih dan  mempunyai senyuman yang bisa mencairkan hati seorang lelaki.. (cewahh!). Yelah bakal dentist professional siapa tak nak? dia single lagi tau =)

so semalam kami berdua borak2 dengan life masing2, nazihah shukor tau tak rasanya da berbulan2 kita tak berjumpa. sampaikan awak ada hanphone baru samsung galaxy S saya pun tak tau taw. yelah, masing2 sibuk sangat dengan hal universiti walaupun u dia dekat je ngan saya, UKM je pun. takpe saya maafkan awak sebab lama tak contact saya. tapi nape awak da delete blog awak? tak dapatlah nak stalk :(

well tadikan saya explore foto2 zaman sekolah dalam mr. lappy saya, dan akhirnya saya jumpa sekeping foto yang sangatlah berharga. ya, nie lah gambar kita berdua 6 taon lepas tahun 2007. masa sekolah2 dulu memang kita baik tau. setiap hari balik sekolah sama2, jalan kat jejantas sama2 dan rehat pun sama2. saya selalu tanya awak pasal subjek kimia sebab awak memang terer kimia kan. heii rindunya masa dulu. semuanya bersama. rasannya sekarang kalau cuti sem tak lepak ngan awak tak lengkap taw.

masa nie umur 16 tahun, pakai baju sukan sekolah+tracksuit. lencana kebanggan ABS. =)

sekarang masing2 da besaq panjang nak jumpe pun susah cuti dah tak sama. ainaa kamaruddin jangan jeles tau kiteorang lepak smalam yelah siapa suruh keje bile cuti sem kan...haha. takpe2 nanti kita keluar triple together2 ye. ye la korang semua kan comel2 belaka. heee

kalau orang tanya siapa bestfriend saya, saya akan jawab Nazihah Shukor. =)

Sunday, May 27

Unfinished Novel

i just remember two months ago, by reading the synopsis only, i fall in love with this novel. Immediately bought it, it is so worthy with the reasonable price. The first day read it, till +50 pages, and the second day reached to +80 pages.

dark, mystery, tense and teen ----> my taste

but what happen the rest of 3/4 the pages of the novel? sorryy,, i am kind busy with the assignment and presentation lately. then, this is study week, final exam for the next.... T.T
postponed to read this novel again, cuz i knew when i read it i determined to read till the last page.
i want to know what happen to Willow. 
i want to know about her father.
i want to know her relationship with her enemy Alex.
i want to know her special power to see the future just by touch the person,
and i want to know EVERYTHING!

fall in love just by reading the synopsis.

well i know the second part of this novel has published, and the third one will coming soon at this October. be patient, your exam is the most important.

Skybridge The Twin Tower

Today, 24th May, i got a chance to stand between the middle point of Petronas Twin Tower that become the symbol of Malaysia. And I got a chance to pass the VIP skybridge * free* without payment. It's VIP pass. All thanks to my lecturer, Puan Yasmin as the class trip for the end of this semester before the final exam coming.

if u stand at the middle point of the skybridge, (1 sqft x 1 sqft a tile)  please look above, then u can see the peak for the both towers. Great.

Well, it makes me feel so smaller when look down to see the view of the whole Kuala Lumpur. And, the South-Korea technology for the high-speed lift which reaching the top of 42nd floor in just around 35 seconds. And the skybridge which have air-cond inside and the the elegant metallic bars for the both side.

Elegant metallic bars inside the skybride, shiny and silvery.

Side view.

Panorama views of Kuala Lumpur, i just fall in love. Fail to find where mu lovely UM. 

Great experience, and we learn. :)